Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Spring Racing Carnival 2013

The Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival is well and truly upon us…  Very conveniently I finish up my job at the Woods on the 26th so have the week prior to Cup week wide open for last minute headpieces, this being said 2 days production time would be ideal - I do have some stock however that may suit you if you need a last minute piece at a good price.

So… if you are in need of a hat, headpiece or silk flower message me and we can discuss :)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

2013 - Back on track, nearly….

Sorry for my absence!

What a crazy, busy end to 2012, as usual I tried to do too much with not enough time
I started a new job, now you can find me at Circa, a beautiful Melbourne institution in the Prince of Wales complex in St Kilda.
I love it!  There seemed to be no end to the masses of bookings and christmas functions over the past 2 months, however with a new year and Melbournian's relaxing and enjoying the sunshine before plunging head first into 2013, we now have a chance to breath again, and today is the start of my first weekend off in months (2 days off in a row, very excited about this)

I've also moved house and so can finally finish unpacking.  I moved between a breakfast and dinner shift, crazy - don't do it, it was a terrible idea, for days all I had was my bed set up!
I'm now in a beautiful 3 bedroom turn of last century house in Elsternwick.  Super high ceilings, shiny pine floorboards, amazing ceiling roses in all rooms, and a very large and relaxing backyard with the beginnings of what will no doubt be a very successful vegi garden

The lovely Bree will be moving in in the next few weeks and our new household will be complete along with our new shower curtain!

Salvador is becoming more comfortable with his new surroundings too, we have progressed to stalking butterflies and beetles in the backyard, but still commando crawling inside at the first sign of a slightly aggressive sounding bird

 Christmas presents:  mugs from Susan and the girls as displayed by India and a leather wine holder for my bike from my sister - she always laughs at the amount of bottles I lug around in my satchel

Mexican in my backyard under the trees with some lovely new friends

 I've been doing a bit of work for Kyha and her amazing shop One Day Bridal on Ormond Rd in Elwood, plus more hankies for Northside Wheelers.  All this has made it a very busy lead up to christmas straight after the crazyness of Melbourne spring racing season

These are some of the pieces from that week which i never got a chance to post….

So, the first day of my weekend has consisted of updating mailing details, lunching with my gorgeous friends, Regan, Sally and Rachel, checking out Bike Galleries super stylish shop - thankyou for the complimentary jersey!  Very lovley of you!  And riding around the eastern suburbs enjoying the sunshine and hills till I found my way back south to Elsternwick

Now off to dinner with my sister to Radio Mexico but we must keep laughing to a minimum, she popped a rib helping a friend move :(

Oh and new year new colour

I'm now a red head
